2023 is a Blank Canvas

As I prepared to paint yesterday, I found the feeling of a blank canvas was similar to that of a new year... a fresh start. 

Each year, I like to pick a word to focus on as a theme - all of the little goals seem to fade within the first month or two but I found by picking a word, it is a quick way to come back to that feeling of the "blank canvas".

This year, I listed all of the specific things that are in my head that I want to accomplish and landed on the word Focus. I am juggling quite a few balls during this phase of life. I love every single aspect and want to be more intentional with the focus I give to each. I'll write down my word and keep it in a visible spot on my desk as a constant reminder. Habits will need to change to allow the focus to happen but that will be my work in progress throughout 2023.

How do you set goals for the new year? 

However you do it, I hope you have that blank canvas, rejuvenated feeling walking into the 2023.


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