Thursday was my favorite day growing up and it is something I've carried with me ever since.
I grew up in a family of seven - the middle of five girls. We were all very active and into several extracurricular activities. Bless my mom, I think she lived in her red minivan for a solid 10-15 years. It was beautiful chaos and she was made for it. She balanced it all and had so many creative systems to keep everything running. I have taken for granted how much her creative problem solving, ability to stay calm in the craze of everything, and systems have made me who I am today.

The one system I'll refer to for this post is that she assigned each of us a day of the week. On your day, you got to say grace at the dinner table and your laundry needed to be in the laundry room before school in order for it to be cleaned for you to fold at the end of the day. It is such a small thing, and in hindsight - maybe it is because it was something I could claim as my own. Whatever it was, I grew to love Thursdays and have ever since.
So as I walk into the new year and think through building some creative processes for this little side hustle, I decided to make Thursday my Written Wholeheartedly blog post day. Excited to find a bit more consistency in sharing all the thoughts and stories behind Babs&Bird and to have yet another reason to love Thursday:)
Grateful for all of you following along. If you have any creative systems you've built or ones that you grew up with, I would love to hear about them!